There are many different types of coaching – leadership, team, executive, organizational, wellness, life, sports – to name a few. Coaching exists along a spectrum from being more supportive at one end (think life coaching) to directive at the other end (think sports coaching). At the core they are all the same – helping people get clear about what they want and how they want to get there. Underpinning this goal setting and planning is raising awareness of values, beliefs, roles, preferences, stuck places and edges.
Mindfulness means paying attention. In the moment. Noticing what you are thinking and feeling, getting done and not getting done. What’s working and not working for you, your team, your partnership or your organization.
Coaching is based on the premise that you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Not broken. No “fixing” required. You (or your team or organization) have the answers. The coach’s job is to ask powerful questions to draw out the answers from you. To help you gain clarity on who you want to be in the course of accomplishing your goals. It’s about learning a process for doing so.
While I have not seen the research, I have heard it said many times that we are 90% more likely to get something done if we are held accountable. When we know someone is interested in our progress, we are more inspired to take action.
Coaches are part of our development network as are mentors and co-mentors. While our relationships with the people in these roles may vary, the essence is the same – a focus on learning and growing and helping us discover what’s possible.
You may have a formal coaching relationship with someone who is trained and certified as a coach. And you likely have other people in your life who play a more informal coaching role for you. Those people who tell you the truth and challenge and champion you to act on what you say is important to you. I’m fortunate to have a number of people in my life who ask me those tough questions that have me reflect on who I’m being and what I’m doing. What have you learned about yourself from your coaches?
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