When we hold too tightly to our beliefs, it’s often because we are afraid. We become defensive and resist opening our minds to new ideas or perceptions. Beliefs make a ‘known’ of the unknown. Beliefs make presumptions about what is yet to come, how it will be, what it will mean and how it will affect us. Beliefs are a way of...
The original version of this blog post was published on Oct 11, 2017.
Today is International Women's Day 2021 and the theme is #choosetochallenge. Given the impact running has had in my life, this year I want to feature Kathrine Switzer. She tirelessly challenged a male dominated resistant system to support women's right to run.
...The original version of this article was published in Jan 2019.
I’ve written often about the joy of running…how long distance running increases my confidence and makes me feel unstoppable. In fact, running is what influenced me to launch The More-In-Me MOVEment because when we move, taking on seemingly...
You are not a small man. Stop eating and training like one.
Dr. Stacy Sims, nutrition scientist and exercise physiologist, gets right to the point on the first page of Roar: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Female Physiology For Optimum Performance, Great Health and A Strong Lean Body For Life. Although I bought this book...
When I was in my 20’s, on my desk you’d see a can of diet coke, a jar of candies and an ashtray. Yes, it was not that long ago that we could smoke in the office. Hard to believe from this vantage point. I wasn’t concerned about my lifestyle and health choices at the time. I thought the diet coke was a good thing – better...
On-going research continues to support the idea that, across a wide range of ages and life circumstances, people with higher positivity ratios have better mental health than those with lower ratios. Your positivity ratio is the ratio of positive emotions to negative ones. In order to flourish, ideally you want a ratio of 3:1 positive to negative...
As I was pondering what to do with “more-in-me” this past summer, I came across Stephen Cope’s book, “The Great Work of Your Life” in my unread books pile. As you might guess from the title, this book is about figuring out your vocation or true calling. Cope uses the story from the two thousand year old yogic text...
Did you have a glass of water first thing this morning? I did because I learned that the brain needs to be hydrated to function at its best. Having a glass of water first thing provides my brain with the ‘fuel’ it needs. This is one of many simple, practical ideas suggested by Dr. Greg Wells in his book The Ripple Effect: Sleep...
Even though the world of work has changed dramatically over the past couple of decades, where long tenure and single careers have almost become a thing of the past, many people still hold the perspective that there’s one path they ‘should’ be taking. That once they find their one true calling, fulfillment and prosperity will...
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