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Optimize Your Energy Everyday With Intentional Movement, Mood & Food Practices

My frame of reference for making choices during my day is based on one primary factor – how will the action affect my energy level? I want to maximize my energy levels as much as I can. I don’t want to waste my hours and days because my energy levels are needlessly depleted. Now I’m not a scientist however I’ve been...

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Finding ‘More-In-Me’: For Annie Gaudreault – Anything Is Possible!

In our recent interview, Annie Gaudreault shared her heart-warming and courageous story of overcoming the odds, completing 10 marathons, including the Boston Marathon and 3 full distance IRONMAN triathlons …so far! Her story is one of taking action when opportunities appeared, changing limiting beliefs in the process, gaining confidence...

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A Heart-Centered Winning Formula For Getting Moving

Movement of any sort means knowing where you want to get to. Or what you want to change. Or at least having a pretty good idea. A focal point. A destination. A compelling future state. Once you have the endpoint determined, you need a roadmap for getting there. What do you need to learn? What will keep you motivated? And of course specific...

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Finisher’s Medals: They’re What Get Us To The Next Start Line In All Aspects of Life

I’ve never been a fan of race medals. While they are symbolic of accomplishment in the moment and fun to wear after a race, mine usually sit in a pile somewhere until they end up in my plastic ‘medals bin’. What to do with your finisher medals? A lot of wasted materials and not really recyclable. Maybe race directors should...

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Let Your Body Lead Your Mind To An Upward Spiral Of Well Being. A Story About Getting Moving

When I was in my 20’s, on my desk you’d see a can of diet coke, a jar of candies and an ashtray. Yes, it was not that long ago that we could smoke in the office. Hard to believe from this vantage point. I wasn’t concerned about my lifestyle and health choices at the time. I thought the diet coke was a good thing – better...

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The More-In-Me Movement Story Part 3: My ‘More-In-Me’ Story

I was in the last half mile of a half marathon race (13.1 miles). I looked at my watch and realized I was not going to achieve my goal of finishing in under 2 hours, a time that used to be easy for me. One of my calf muscles was cramping and slowing me down. At that moment the words “I’ve got more in me. I know I do.” popped...

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Targets + Goals = Progress + Fulfillment

Bobby McGee is one of the world’s greatest distance coaches. In his book, “Magical Running”  he focuses on the mental and spiritual aspects of peak performance, not just the itty-bitty details such as training plans, biomechanics and form. Of course these details matter, however, McGee believes that focusing...

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Marathon Training: Mental Discipline and An Act of Faith

coaching motivation running Oct 31, 2013

Another gray, dismal, cool, wet day. Sigh. And my training plan for today called for mile repeats on the track. On Sunday it was 22 miles in similar weather. In fact, most of my long runs and track sessions have been in lousy weather as I’ve trained for the Philadelphia Marathon in mid-November.

As I sat at my desk this morning looking out...

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Achieving My Really Big Goal – The Boston Marathon!

motivation running Apr 11, 2011

I did it! Boston 2011! 

On April 18th I ran the 115th Boston Marathon. I achieved my really big goal. However, it didn’t turn out exactly as I anticipated. My finishing time was 4 hours 27 minutes – a full 30 minutes slower than my qualifying time!! And the weather conditions were perfect – 55 degrees and a strong...

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Five Part Practice for Achieving Really Big Goals

I’m running the Boston Marathon on April 18th for the first time. I’m very excited. It’s been a really big goal for me since my first marathon in 1995. Since then I have run 15 more marathons in my effort to qualify to run Boston. For those of you not in the running community, Boston is the premiere marathon. Every marathoner I...

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