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Developmental Networks: The Basics

We tend to have a variety of networks that serve various purposes. From growing our businesses to growing ourselves. From gaining a new skill to gaining visibility in the marketplace.

A developmental network is a special type of network defined as “a set of relationships an individual has with people who take an active...

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Teams exist to produce results but are they good at it?

Recently I was in a meeting with a few colleagues talking about co-developing a customized leadership program for a client. When it came time to decide how we’d actually create the program, one person said “well we all know the best way to develop a program is to lock yourself in a dark room and write it by yourself.” I was...

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What Exactly is Coaching?

There are many different types of coaching – leadership, team, executive, organizational, wellness, life, sports – to name a few. Coaching exists along a spectrum from being more supportive at one end (think life coaching) to directive at the other end (think sports coaching). At the core they are all the same – helping...

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